Spiritual Care

At University Hospitals Elyria Medical Center, spiritual care is an important part of the healing process. Our Chaplains are specially trained to help patients to draw on the inner resources that foster hope and promote healing. It is the goal of the Spiritual Care Department to engage the spiritual dimension of people, their beliefs, culture, values, and religious practices for healing, well-being and growth. These are the basics that give meaning to life's joys and struggles; serve as a bright light guiding us on our individual paths; and connect us with supportive communities. We are available to patients, families, and staff.
Spiritual Care Department
The Spiritual Care Department is comprised of Chaplain Ray Holland, Director and Sister Joan Tomchey, who coordinates Catholic pastors and Eucharistic ministers. Community pastors also provide their assistance. Volunteers assist with notifying pastors, and Bibles are available upon request. The Spiritual Care department initiated the Community Outreach Committee to help connect employees with needs of the community.
The Chapel at UH Elyria Medical Center is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. It is located on the first floor across from Cascade Perk - the hospital's coffee shop.
Chaplains can help:
When you are anxious
When you receive upsetting news
When you are facing difficult decisions
When you are exploring a religious question
When you are seeking the comfort of religious rituals and sacraments
When you are wrestling with meaning of your illness
When you are sad over a loss
When you need someone who listens
When you are seeking a prayer partner or spiritual guidance
Contact information:
Ray Holland
Director, Spiritual Care
440-326-5409 [phone]
440-758-6262 [pager]
Sister Joan Tomchey, OSU
440-326-7680 [phone]
440-758-6589 [pager]